City of London Magistrates, Court 2 |
Hearing date:
16 January 2020 |
Bench (DJ or JPs)
DDJ Edwards |
Charged with:
Aggravated Trespass, 3 May 2019, City Hall (with 2 others) |
Represented by:
Self |
Please outline key points prosecution and defence case(s).
Prosecution: police and City Hall security officers’ written statements and bodyworn only, as glue-on to revolving door at CH not disputed. His action caused severe disruption and inconvenience, potentially danger, to public and staff as doors had to be disabled for 2 hours. Defence: 1, not Agg T because intention not to disrupt, only to secure interview with Sadiq Khan; 2, Necessity 3, ‘honourable British tradition of civil disobedience as conscientious protector.’ |
Was defence evidence submitted in writing?
Did defence witness(es) give evidence in person? Were they cross-examined?
Yes – he had prepared thoroughly, with facts & arguments bolstering each of his 3 defences. But was prevented by judge from making his arguments fully, or some at all. Yes. Crown alleged the intention was to disrupt, at least the mayor’s calendar; and questioned superior effectiveness of glue-on at entrances, as opposed to wall, say. [Defendant said later that wall was a good idea for next time] |
What was the verdict?
Guilty |
What was the sentence?
6 months conditional discharge |
What costs were awarded?
£775+20, the full Crown demand, in £50 monthly instalments, the first within 14 days. |
Please add anything else relevant.
A very unfair trial. We suspected Defendant’s mistake on the stand was to seem to instruct the judge, eg “Are you familiar with the precautionary principle”. Her attitude changed abruptly, she ruled some evidence irrelevant before hearing it, and forbade him to cite caselaw precedent, without clearly explaining why. Refused to let him sum up. Further, the sentence seemed vindictive as though Defendant has NO income, something she accepted, judge awarded full costs and demanded first payment within 14 as opposed to the usual 28 days. |
Court date