Court: Hendon Magistrates Court
Bench: District Judge Warner
Charge: knowingly failing to comply with a direction under of s.14 of POA 1986 (failing to move from Waterloo Bridge on 20/4/19)
Plea: Guilty. (Had pleaded NG at Plea Hearing 28/5/19 but changed to Guilty on 27/9/19.)
Represented by: Solicitor
Prosecution case:
Police officer approached Defendant and gave him a warning. Defendant went from sitting to lying. Gave no comment interview at the police station.
Submitted character reference from Defendant’s university lecturer and mentioned his voluntary work. Asked for conditional discharge and cited House of Lords (James vs. DPP) Lord Hoffman refering to ‘long and honourable’ history of peaceful civil disobedience.
No witnesses called. Assume defence evidence submitted in writing given solicitor’s involvement.
Sentence: 6 months conditional discharge, due to his good character and peaceful resistance
Costs: Defendant to pay Crown costs: £220 reduced to £85 because Defendant changed his Plea and the arresting officer didn’t have to attend Court. Adding the £20 victim surcharge gave total £105, to be paid by the Defendant within 14 days
Other comments: Defendant said in conversation that his solicitor’s advice to plead Guilty was strongly influenced by the fact that he nodded when the arresting police officer asked if he understood the warning