Obstruction of the Highway - Guilty: 29/04/21

Court date



CLM Court 3

Hearing date:



Bench (DJ or JPs)


Mr Hammond, Ms Grieg

Charged with:


Willful Obstruction of the Highway and S14  11.10 19 at Bishopsgate

Represented by:


Self represented via video link via video link

Please outline key points in prosecution and defence cases.


Defendant gave evidence via video link from Manchester.  CPS was George Crivelli.  CI Jess Wynne was called to give evidence for some reason. He was in charge of policing for the City of London.  Defendant locked himself to a barrel filled with cement along with 3 others although only 3 were charged, including Defendant.  He had gone to protest at the Anders(?) Hotel in Liverpool Street where there was an oil conference, hence the barrel, but they couldn’t get near the hotel and were forced to protest in Bishopsgate.  For CI Wynne the fact that an ambulance could not get through the road was the tipping point.  Initially Defendant was arrested under Section 14 but subsequently de-arrested and charged with willful obstruction.  At the point of the second arrest however Defendant was not attached to the barrel.  PC Divkovijc eventually turned up to give evidence. He was read the 5 stages and did not leave.  He was arrested and taken to Acton Police Station.  The facts of the case were not disputed.  It was a demonstration against fossil fuels which the Government still supports and highlights the hypocrisy of the Government.  He felt he was acting out of necessity as a custodian of the planet.  Under common law an action is not criminal if deemed to avoid irreparable evil.  ‘We are hurtling towards catastrophe’. 

Was defence evidence submitted in writing?


I think so.

Did defence witness(es) give evidence in person? Were they cross-examined?


Pleaded not guilty. Gave evidence via video link.

What was the verdict?


Guilty. Conditional discharge 6 months £796 costs.  Payable within 14 days.

What was the sentence?


See above

What costs were awarded?


See above.

Please add anything else relevant.