CoL court 1 |
Hearing date:
17 January 2023 |
Bench (DJ or JPs)
DJ Davis |
Charged with:
Obstructing the highway |
Represented by:
Jenny Winter, Birds |
Please outline key points in prosecution and defence cases.
See notes from November 2022. Defendant was one of 7 people arrested on 16th April 2022 at Marble Arch. A limo had been parked by one of the 7. Defendant was seated in the car. Others were locked on through the wheels or glued on to the street. Defendant was the only one represented. He chose not to give evidence. As he had not given evidence the CPS couldn’t comment on his case in his summing up.
In her summing up as Defendant’s solicitor, Jenny Bird said that the only evidence presented (body worn video) showed Defendant present for 3 minutes. |
Was defence evidence submitted in writing?
Did defence witness(es) give evidence in person? Were they cross-examined?
Declined to give evidence and was not therefore cross-examined |
What was the verdict?
Not guilty |
What was the sentence?
What were the court costs?
The DJ explained how he can claim travel expenses for the three court dates. |
Please add anything else relevant.
As no time of arrival at the protest was given the only time the judge could consider was from the start of bwv and the time of arrest. She felt the motivation for protest was genuine and the obstruction was trivial. |
Court date